Monday, February 28, 2011

Barn O' Beauty

2/22/11 3:38pm, f/3.5 1/40


Cool Room

2/22/11 3:33pm, f/3.5, 1/80



Hotel Meade

Sweeny Todd???

I really liked the colors in the barn even without the HDR, with the HDR the colors really pop. Then the other room where I did the HDR combination picture, when I was in there I knew it was perfect for and HDR picture. Then I had to do the Hotel Meade and the barbers chair.


  1. I really like the color and texture of this last photo of the chair. Specifically I love the texture of the back of the chair. You have such a tight focus and a good depth of field to really show off the texture. The highlights could be a little less strong. It seems to blow out some of the texture. Overall, I enjoy it.

  2. i really like the barn HDR. its is so rich in the colors that it almost looks like there would be some artificial light in there or something. i thought that your portraits were really well composed too, maybe thats just cuz one of them is of me and im being biased haha. your sweeny todd is really nice. it looks so warm and interesting with the lighting going all over and the nice yellows of the wood flooring.
