Friday, March 11, 2011

Poster Image

Original image- 2/22/11 1:27pm, f/4.5, 1/2000

Old Glory-Final image

What I did to get my final image was right away I sharpened and bumped up the sats. After that I realized that the image was a little crooked, so I rotated the image slightly to make it look level. Then I re-sized and cropped my image to 24x36. Then since I wanted an old vintage look, I searched online for different actions to make images look old, and finally I found one I liked. Overall I really like how it turned out

Monday, February 28, 2011


Reflective Tombstone- Bannack Cemetary, 2/22/11 5:31pm, f/4.5, 1/160

Bannack Favorites

I already posted a ton of my favorites, these are some more of them. I had a really good time out there and am planning on going back in the summer!
Barn O' Beauty

2/22/11 3:38pm, f/3.5 1/40


Cool Room

2/22/11 3:33pm, f/3.5, 1/80



Hotel Meade

Sweeny Todd???

I really liked the colors in the barn even without the HDR, with the HDR the colors really pop. Then the other room where I did the HDR combination picture, when I was in there I knew it was perfect for and HDR picture. Then I had to do the Hotel Meade and the barbers chair.

Macro Abstract and Blend

What Are You Looking At!?

Mean Muggin'- Bannack 2/22/11 2:39pm, f/5, 1/25

Rust and Paint- Bannack 2/22/11 3:26pm, f/5.6, 1/400

Old Skool Wood Work- Bannack 2/22/11 2:59pm, f/4, 1/40
I Want This Wallpaper- Bannack 2/22/11 11:42am, f/5, 1/30

The picture of the wallpaper was one of the first pictures I took and one of my favorites, I really liked the colors and pattern. For the blend picture, I really liked the portrait I took but it wasn't completely in focus, so I knew I could use it in the blend picture and it would be fine, so I used the "Rust and Paint" picture to make it look old and kind of creepy. I really liked the woodworking in the bar, it was really cool.

Reverse Shallow Depth

Rust N House- Bannack 2/22/11 3:24p, f/5, 1/160

Rusty Prison- Bannack 2/22/11 3:24pm, f/5, 1/160

For this shot I crawled inside a cage that was with all the rusty old tools. Thought it would be a cool shot, and I think it turned out great. Luckily I saw Russell and Jacob messing around with it!

Action Blur/Freeze

Sleeping Ghost- Bannack, 2/22/11 2:00pm, f/18, 10 sec, Tripod

Swinging Door- Bannack, 2/22/11 3:10pm, f/22, 1 sec

In the "Swinging Door" pic, I had the shutter open for a second so I could have to door be blurred, and then in the "Sleeping Ghost" picture, it was open for 10 seconds, but then had my subject sit in the picture for about 6 seconds.


Looking Forward- Bannack, 2/22/11 1:05pm, f/5.6, 1/40

In a Cabin-Bannack, 2/22/11 12:45pm, f/4.5, 1/200

The light coming through the windows in the old houses was perfect for portraits! Don't know what else to say, I guess I kind of wish I had taken more portraits there.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Night and Light

Wandering Rainbow- 2/18/11 1:19am, f/4.5, 10 sec. Tripod

UFO- 2/18/11 2:22am, f/4.5, 20 sec. Tripod

These two posts were for the moving light assignment. I tried making fluid movements with the glow sticks just like car headlight or other moving light

Double Double Stripe- 2/18/11 2:50am, f/4.5, 10 sec. Tripod

Winding Stripes- 2/18/11 2:47am, f/4.5, 10 sec. Tripod

For the last 2 posts they were my pictures for moving the camera while the picture is being taken. I had 2 glow sticks stacked on top of each other and then for Double Double Stripe I moved horizontally and for Winding Stripes I walked away while making a circular motion.

Peace, Love, and Happiness- 2/18/11 2:05am, f/4.5, 30 sec. Tripod

ANDY-2/18/11 2:09am, f/4.5, 30 sec. Tripod

COOL- 2/18/11 1:31am, f/4.5, 13 sec. Tripod

Crazy Noodle- 2/18/11 1:25am, f/4.5, 15 sec. Tripod

These 4 were for my light painting, the first two I used glow sticks and had really long exposures, the Peace, Love, and Happiness was my favorite, and took me about 20 tries haha. Then the last two pics were done with the flash on my phone, I just left it one and wrote with it, I thought it looked cool.

I had so many more pictures I wanted to put on here, maybe I'll add more later.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Edge Effects

Brushed-on Effect

Sweet Sunset-Rexburg, Idaho, 2/3/11 6:45, f/4, 1/1600
I decided to change this one up a little bit, in the book it said to have the background be white, but I thought that a black background would look better with the sunset. I thought it was cool how there were different brush styles, to make it look like there were actual strokes or just paint splotches.

Burned Border

Oatmeal, Yum- Rexburg, Idaho, 2/14/11 11:34am, f/3.1, 1/125

For This one I started with the regular steps, I copied the layer then darkened it by using the multiply blending mode. But then instead of using the rectangular marquee tool, I used the elliptical marquee tool and just selected the layer around the Quaker Oats guy then hit delete, I thought it looked cool.

Flexible Vignette

February Sunset- Rexburg, Idaho 2/3/11 6:50pm, f/4, 1/640

Just did the steps in the book for this vignette, I think the dark border really adds to this picture.

I don't have any scanography pictures due to me having health problems and not being able to get onto campus to use a scanner. My roommate has a scanner, but it didn't work!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Camera Raw Edits



Night Time on Campus- 1/18/11, BYU-Idaho Campus, f/4, 1.3, no tripod just me standing still

This was my jpeg photo that I opened in camera raw and adjusted. I wouldn't say that it looks better, but I shows that I know how to use it haha. After I was done editing it the file had that symbol on the top-right corner showing that it had been edited in camera raw.



Tree and Sunset- 1/27/11, 5:52pm, Rexburg, ID, f/4, 1/45

What I decided to do for my edit picture was to darken the tree and lighten up the sunset. I pretty much just just the simple edit tools in camera raw, and I think it turned out nicely.


Awesome Sunset- 1/27/11, 5:51-5:52pm, Rexburg, ID, f/4.5, 1/45

For my panorama, I decided to use the really cool sunset, so I zoomed in on it and pieced it together. After I did the photomerge I ended up cropping it a little bit because part of it looked weird, but I like how it ended up.