Friday, March 11, 2011

Poster Image

Original image- 2/22/11 1:27pm, f/4.5, 1/2000

Old Glory-Final image

What I did to get my final image was right away I sharpened and bumped up the sats. After that I realized that the image was a little crooked, so I rotated the image slightly to make it look level. Then I re-sized and cropped my image to 24x36. Then since I wanted an old vintage look, I searched online for different actions to make images look old, and finally I found one I liked. Overall I really like how it turned out

Monday, February 28, 2011


Reflective Tombstone- Bannack Cemetary, 2/22/11 5:31pm, f/4.5, 1/160

Bannack Favorites

I already posted a ton of my favorites, these are some more of them. I had a really good time out there and am planning on going back in the summer!
Barn O' Beauty

2/22/11 3:38pm, f/3.5 1/40


Cool Room

2/22/11 3:33pm, f/3.5, 1/80



Hotel Meade

Sweeny Todd???

I really liked the colors in the barn even without the HDR, with the HDR the colors really pop. Then the other room where I did the HDR combination picture, when I was in there I knew it was perfect for and HDR picture. Then I had to do the Hotel Meade and the barbers chair.

Macro Abstract and Blend

What Are You Looking At!?

Mean Muggin'- Bannack 2/22/11 2:39pm, f/5, 1/25

Rust and Paint- Bannack 2/22/11 3:26pm, f/5.6, 1/400

Old Skool Wood Work- Bannack 2/22/11 2:59pm, f/4, 1/40
I Want This Wallpaper- Bannack 2/22/11 11:42am, f/5, 1/30

The picture of the wallpaper was one of the first pictures I took and one of my favorites, I really liked the colors and pattern. For the blend picture, I really liked the portrait I took but it wasn't completely in focus, so I knew I could use it in the blend picture and it would be fine, so I used the "Rust and Paint" picture to make it look old and kind of creepy. I really liked the woodworking in the bar, it was really cool.

Reverse Shallow Depth

Rust N House- Bannack 2/22/11 3:24p, f/5, 1/160

Rusty Prison- Bannack 2/22/11 3:24pm, f/5, 1/160

For this shot I crawled inside a cage that was with all the rusty old tools. Thought it would be a cool shot, and I think it turned out great. Luckily I saw Russell and Jacob messing around with it!

Action Blur/Freeze

Sleeping Ghost- Bannack, 2/22/11 2:00pm, f/18, 10 sec, Tripod

Swinging Door- Bannack, 2/22/11 3:10pm, f/22, 1 sec

In the "Swinging Door" pic, I had the shutter open for a second so I could have to door be blurred, and then in the "Sleeping Ghost" picture, it was open for 10 seconds, but then had my subject sit in the picture for about 6 seconds.